Online CPD Short Courses

Food Science

Food innovation is an art that can be practiced by a lawyer, engineer, or even in your own kitchen. But understanding the science of food, sensory perception, rheology, quality and food safety requires a bit more support from experts. There are short online courses designed for food innovators on packaging, sensory, quality and food safety, product design and others. FDM will support you with short courses on understanding the chemistry of foods, food storage, and packaging, the impact of food processing on nutrient content, nutrient content analysis, texture profile, and sensory attributes; and food labelling. However, If you are interested in any of these short courses sign up and choose the course which is best for you. Other external courses also available here.

Homeschooling Distance Learning  - Alexandra_Koch / Pixabay


FDM is looking for instructors who are willing to offer online courses, if interested register to create your account. FDM admin will then contact you to fully set up your account.